Friday, November 1, 2013

In Texas, food stamp cuts affect nearly 2.4 million kids

In Texas, food stamp cuts affect nearly 2.4 million kids
2. Consumer/financial
3 state level
4. a problem/issue that families/individuals face
5. This new policy will have an affect on how much money families receive for benefits. Any family that has been receiving benefits in the past should expect a decrease in the amount they receive.
6. My personal view on this policy is that it is going to have a negative affect on families that receive benefits. In the article is stated, "A Texas family of three will lose up to $29 a month of its October maximum allotment of $529." I know that $29 does not sound like a lot but when you only receive $529 dollars to live off of it is a huge difference. The article also talked about having an affect on about 2.4 million kids. Kids that have families that rely on the money they receive are already struggling and are known to have nutrition problems and now things are only going to get worse. It is really sad to me that kids that were already struggling will most likely be worse off now then they were before this policy went through. These families that are affected by this budget cut are going to re-evaluate how they spend their

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