Friday, November 8, 2013

Univeristy Star: Council Proposes Downtown, Residential Parking Plan


2.Category of problem/issue: Community

3. Level of problem/issue: Local

4. A potential policy that is being considered to help a problem/issue that individuals/families face.

5. Why is it important to individuals/families and how does it affect them?

Individuals and families wishing to park in the downtown area would now have to pay to park while shopping or dining. Individuals and families that live downtown, would have to apply for a permit and pay for it so they could park for an extended amount of time.

6. What are your views?

San Marcos is not Austin. Yes, downtown can be very busy at times but honestly, if they would just stop doing construction, there would be plenty of places to park. Asking people to pay to go shopping there is ridiculous. I can't afford to (being a college kid and all) so I would just avoid going shopping there all together. Plus, those students that have to meet for projects at the stores downtown, would have to pay to park. That's not fair for those students. They should be able to meet for their project for free. As students, we also have to pay for university parking so paying to park downtown is just an added expense. The council needs to get their priorities straight. FIX THE ROADS! I feel like they've been constructing the same roads since I came to Texas State 3 years ago. Once the roads are fixed, parking will magically appear and the problem will be solved without adding further costs on residents.

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