Friday, September 20, 2013

House Republicans Pass Deep Cuts in Food Stamps


2. Food; children

3. National Level

4. A problem/issue that individuals/families face

5. If this bill is passed there will be huge cuts from the food stamp program that may be both good and bad. This situation is bad because many families depend entirely on this program.

6. I have to admit that before I would have completely agreed with this policy. I would have been ecstatic of the thought that with this budget cut millions of “lazy” Americans would stop being fed by our government. Like many things, it is easier said than done. Before, it was easier to point the finger and blame those less fortunate for the economic crisis. It was much easier to say it is because of Johnny’s “lazy” self, who has not been able to find a job, my tax dollars are paying his meals. It is upsetting to many Americans and I understand why, but most Americans don’t realize Johnny has a daughter named Sally. Sally has a brother named Billy and both Sally and Billy don’t have any food to eat.  These children, in my opinion, well deserve a meal every night. I cannot even imagine what it is like to fall asleep on an empty stomach and to wake again on the same empty stomach. As it is, this program has to feed so many people that resources are scarce. It is crazy to think that because of this budget cut Sally and Billy are going from having at least lunch on their table to no food at all. In conclusion, I agree that this cut may be necessary for millions who are abusing the system. I also believe that the federal government should take the time to reevaluate every participant in this program and determine who best needs it.

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