1. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/09/23/illegal-immigration-increase/2854209/
2. Category of Problem/Issue identified in article: Immigration
3. Level of problem/issue: National Level
4. A problem/issue that individuals/families face
5. Why this is important to individuals/families OR How does this affect individuals/families:
This issue is important to individuals and families because it affects our economy. Illegal immigration is on the rise and is strongly related to employment opportunities.
6. What are your views on the issue/policy?
This is a tough issue. There are some that do deserve citizenship and have earned it, such as a recent law student who was denied his license, because he was not a citizen. There are those immigrants that have earned it, and there are some that come here for a better life and struggle. Those immigrants are the ones that do odd jobs and are hired by companies, illegally sometimes, because they get paid under the table. As for the majority, they struggle for a better life because they aren't citizens. It is an economic issue that effects everyone in the U.S. The House Republican approach is to secure the border and guarantee the enforcement of our laws. I agree with a secure border because, without a secure border, immigrants find ways to cross to the U.S. I actually witnessed coyotes smuggling immigrants to the U.S. It was definitely something a lot of people don't see. Going towards the border by Falfurrias (driving to San Marcos), the car driving in front sped up, then suddenly stopped and about 10 people came out of a compact car and ran into the field miles before the border. It's somewhat sad because these people do anything to come to America for a better life, yet aren't guaranteed a better life because they are illegal immigrants. I feel like it would be better to secure the border and maybe work on different ways to go about immigrants working towards citizenship the right way. It would benefit our economy as well, not having such a high number of illegal immigrants.
This is a touchy issue. I see both sides. It's an incredibly long and difficult process to get a visa and most people can't afford it. I agree that we definitely need to come up with a better way to legally accept immigrants but at the same time, if it is easier and affordable, more and more people will be entering the country and competing for jobs and education with us. I'm torn on this issue but I do agree with securing the border and making visas slightly more affordable and easier to obtain.